Monday, April 27, 2020

How Warehouse Management Solution (WMS) Provides Competitive Advantage

Ever-growing customers’ expectations have posed a serious challenge for supply chain industry. With drop shipping have become a new normal, it has become really challenging for companies that sell or distribute products to meet the overall expectations of customers around shipping. It has become impossible to track inventory as it moves through the warehouse using spreadsheets and paper. However, deploying Warehouse Management System (WMS) as part of a larger fulfillment and warehousing strategy can help businesses to optimize warehouse operations.

Inbound Logistics – WMS accelerates the inventory receiving process. By automating process using pre-defined rules, you can guide users while receiving and putaway process. By recommending bin locations and putaway rules, you can ensure that inventory is quickly and accurately processed so that it can be used to fulfill orders. With WMS like NetSuite, inventory can be allocated automatically to outstanding open orders and can be taken directly to the packing locations. This decreases the fulfillment time and handling costs of putting items away and then picking them to fill an order.

Inventory Visibility – With WMS, you can track inventory when it is moved through the warehouse using barcodes, and lot and serial tracking to ensure accurate visibility of inventory levels, orders and fulfillment status at all times. Using WMS, you can also track perishable goods with expiration dates based on receipt date.You can also schedule regular cycle counting within the WMS as a means of checks and balances. If we talk of NetSuite WMS, then it delivers holistic view of inventory across all physical locations. You can view inventory levels per physical location as well as enterprise wide by setting up physical locations hierarchically and using sub-locations to ensure more efficient order fulfillment and replenishment.

Outbound Logistics – Most of the WMS come with pick and pack logic and strategies. Using these, you can ensure how and when inventory is needed during fulfillment process. By defining a wave release strategy, selecting single or multiple picking type, and setting your wave status further customizes and controls the way orders are processed. Organizations managing inventory across multiple warehouse locations should leverage NetSuite WMS capabilities to gain visibility of inventory by location. With NetSuite WMS, you can define fulfillment and shipping rules to minimize shipping costs and simplifying order orchestration which is something that would be impossible to do manually.

Mobile Scanning – In order to increase efficiency in warehouse operations,you can integrate a mobile app.The combination of a wireless mobile device and barcode scanning helps to automate processes, such as shipping and receiving, putaway, and picking and packing. NetSuite WMS mobile apphelps in reducing the time that operators spend in completing everyday tasks, such as inbound, inventory and outbound processing tasks. You can direct users to perform specific tasks, such as putaways and picking, based on pre-configured strategies defined during the setup of the WMS system to ensure that inventory is allocated according to plan and not haphazardly.

Bottom Line

Thus, with NetSuite WMS, you can optimize your day-to-daywarehouse operations using industry leading best practices such as intelligent pick and pack processes, handheld barcode scanning, cycle counting and integration with shipping systems. As authorized NetSuite ERP Implementation Partner in India, we can optimize NetSuite instance as per your unique business requirements. You should contact us if you’re looking for NetSuite ERP Consultant in India.

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